The City Council is responsible for approving all legislation and formulating City policies. The Council’s objectives are broad and include translating public attitudes and service requirements into policies and programs, so that desired levels of service can be provided efficiently and economically.
The Council keeps abreast of current State and Federal legislation. By participation in the Leaque of California Cities, Council members are able to compare policies, techniques and procdures with other cities throughout the State. Close liaison is maintainted with other Kings County elected officials to insure that Lemoore’s policies and programs are coordinated with other public agencies.
The Council Members and Mayor have a monthly stipend of $300/$400 respectively. The Classification Pay Ranges for ALL city employees may be found by clicking HERE or by going to the Controller of the State of California Local Government Compensation Reports Website.
All regular Council meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm at the Lemoore Council Chambers 429 C Street, Lemoore CA 93245
Council Study
The Lemoore City Council holds regular study sessions to learn more about issues facing the city. Study Session matters to be considered by the City Council are shown on the study session agenda that is combined with the regular council meeting agenda. No official actions or formal votes are taken at any council study session.
Regular Council
Business requiring city council action is listed on the council’s regular meeting agenda. Agendas are prepared in advance of the council meeting. Official council actions and formal votes are conducted at regular council meetings.